Rural Landscape between State and Local Communities in Europe

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Past and Present
Curatore: Paola Sereno e Maria Luisa Sturani
Isbn: 88-7694-285-8
Collana: Geographica / ISSN 2612-3045
Quick Overview
Past and Present
Rural Landscape between State and Local Communities in Europe
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Numero in collana01
CollanaGeographica / ISSN 2612-3045
CuratorePaola Sereno e Maria Luisa Sturani
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DescrizioneRural Landscape between State and Local Communities in Europe
Paola Sereno, Introduction • Session 1: Rural Landscapes and Peasant Food Production Paysages ruraux et alimentation paysanne traditionnelle • J. Pinard, Les productions alimentaires traditionnelles du Centre-Ouest de la France et leur impact sur les paysages ruraux • M. L. Sturani, Paysage rural et alimentation paysanne dans l'aire d'influence d'une ville capitale: le cas de Grugliasco entre le XVII et le XVIII siècle • Session 2: Rural Landscapes and Local Communities: Strategies of Production, Use and Control of Resources Paysages ruraux et communautés locales: stratégies de production, utilisation et contrôle des ressources • H. S. A. Fox, Co-operation between rural communities in medieval England • T. Unwin, Meadow, wood and pasture: forgotten elements in the early medieval English agrarian landscape • J. Chapman, Open Fields in Nineteenth Century Sussex: A Survival of an English Peasantry? • U. Jansson, Transitions of Farming Systems - a Response to a Fluctuating Market? Examples from Western Sweden c. 1680-1750 • Session 3: Rural Landscapes and Local Communities: the Commonlands Paysages ruraux et communautés locales: les terres communes • J. Renes, Dutch commons: variety and change • L. Rombai, Terres communes et droits locaux en Toscane à l'époque des grands ducs de Lorraine (siècles XVIII-XIX). Libéralisme central et résistances locales • A. Guarducci – L. Rossi, Terres communes et droits d'usage dans la montagne d'Arezzo de l'époque moderne à l'époque contemporaine • Session 4: Controlling and Organizing Rural Landscapes: the Central State and the Local Communities Contrôle et aménagement des paysages ruraux: l’État centralisé et les communautés locales • R.A. Butlin, The role of the state in the initiation and development of land drainage schemes in England in the seventeenth century • K.A.H.W. Leenders, Landscape-change, rural industry and tax-policies in the Eastern part of the province North-Brabant, the Netherlands (18th century) • † Jean Peltre, La vie rurale en terres frontalières au XVIIIe siècle: l'exemple du Pays Toulois • M. Cabouret, Humanisation des paysages "naturels" pour l'utilisation, le contrôle, la conservation et la reproduction des ressources sous l'influence de la politique économique d'un état centralisé: le cas des prés de fauche irrigués en Suède du Nord • B. Roeck Hansen, The agrarian landscape in Finland around 1700. The Swedish influence on land ownership and organization • Session 5: Settlement and Landownership Patterns Structures de l’habitat rural et de la propriété foncière • H. Szulc, Morphogenetic Types of Rural Settlements in Poland • H. Antonson, Deserted medieval farmsteads and environmental change • S. Seeliger, The role of women landholders: some evidence from Hampshire • Session 6: Historical Landscapes and Planning Paysages historiques et aménagement du territoire • J.A.J. Vervloet, Applied historical geography: from inventory to planning concepts; some reflections • C. de Bont, The cyclone's eye: historical dynamics and valuation in the man made landscapes of The Netherlands • B. Graham, The past in the present: heritage landscapes and contested identity in Northern Ireland • Marcus Hall The early restoration movement: changes and challenges in alpine Italy • A. Bianchetti, Remembrements fonciers et aménagement des paysages historiques. L'exemple négatif du Frioul • Session 7: Landscape Analysis: Theory and Methodology Théories et méthodes pour l’analyse du paysage • M. Widgren, 1. Is landscape history possible? and 2. Is it possible to survive on a deserted farm? • T. Spek, A bird never flies on one wing. A multidiscliplinary approach to the study of prehistoric and medieval field systems in the north of the Netherlands • D. Hooke, Towards a methodology of reconstructing and assessing historical landscapes • Excursions