Medioevo greco

Medioevo greco

Medioevo greco.

Rivista di storia e filologia bizantina



Enrico V. Maltese, L. Silvano, A. M. Taragna, P. Varalda


International Advisory Board: Panagiotis A. Agapitos, Christian Hannick, Wolfram Hörandner, Elizabeth M. Jeffreys, John Monfasani, Inmaculada Pérez Martín, Diether R. Reinsch, Jan O. Rosenqvist, Jacques Schamp, Roger D. Scott, Peter Van Deun, Mary Whitby


«Medioevo greco» is a peer-reviewed journal published yearly and devoted to the history and literature of the Byzantine millennium. It welcomes scholarly contributions in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, in the form of articles, documents and short notes. Contributors are requested to submit electronic version of their manuscripts in both .doc and .pdf format, as email attachments, send to: All articles will be anonymously peer-reviewed by two referees (either members of the journal’s international review committee or experts in the field of the paper), and once approved will be published. Only papers submitted in their final version by March, 31st will be considered for publication within the next issue after manuscript acceptance.

Articoli 10-18 di 25

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    Medioevo greco - 16-2016
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  6. Medioevo greco - 17-2017Medioevo greco - 17-2017
    Medioevo greco - 17-2017
    45,00 €

Articoli 10-18 di 25

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